Applied Tomato Genetics

Tomato Pangenome Consortium (core organizing committee)

Commercial Tomato Panel (AgriPlex Genomics)
"New commercial tomato panel release by AgriPlex Genomics"

Improving Florida tomatoes through applied genetics
Florida Tomato Committee

Improvement of tomato morphology for mechanical harvest
University of Florida

Leveraging CRISPR genome-editing technology to improve resistance to root-knot nematode in tomato
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

TomSPOT – an integrated toolbox for managing tomato bacterial diseases in North America
USDA Specialty Crop Research Initiative

Tomato resistance-breaking tospoviruses
USDA National Plant Disease Recovery System

Advancing resistance to Fusarium wilt of tomato through the pyramiding of available and novel resistance genes
USDA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative


Development and deployment of a genomics pipeline for rapid detection of structural variation in plant genomes
University of Florida